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The new release movie, FANTESTIC-4 & young avengers in ANT-MAN-3, new update of MCU

The new release movie, FANTESTIC-4 & young avengesr in ANT-MAN-3, new update of MCU::----->>



We had a very big bomb dropped on us deadline reported that Jonathan majors has been cast for a role in Ant Man 3 and not just any role a very big role deadline went on to elaborate saying that they believe that the role that he had been cast for is Kang the Conqueror and as the day went by and people checked with their sources a few people were able to confirm that he has been cast in deed for the role of Kang the Conqueror.

The new release movie, FANTESTIC-4 & young avengers in ANT-MAN-3 new

The new release movie, FANTESTIC-4 & young avengesr in ANT-MAN-3

The new release movie, FANTESTIC-4 & young avengers in ANT-MAN-3 new2

The new release movie, FANTESTIC-4 & young avengers in ANT-MAN-3 new3

So it looks like Kang the Conqueror is officially To the MCU making his debut in Ant Man 3. However, there is more than just Kang the Conqueror that waits for us and Ant Man 3 as it turns out. This may be one of the biggest Marvel movies ever.

The new release movie Storyline:

And yes, I am talking about Ant Man 3. I know a lot of people thought the first two am in films were a little bit underwhelming but as it turns out Ant Man 3 is going to be an extremely important MCU film. And in this video, we'll break down who King is how he's going to come into Ant Man 3 and how we could also see the Young Avengers modok and the Fantastic Four and Ant Man 3 as well, 

 exactly know too much about canning and don't worry. I'll explain because not only is he a very important character in the Marvel Comics universe, but it's also going to be a huge character coming to the MCU who will most likely be in more than just Ant Man 3 Kang is a major big bad that we're getting in the MCU. So here's what you need to know about Kang and how he's going to be introduced in Ant Man 3. The first thing that you need to know about Kang is that 

Master of time Travel King has a pretty complicated story but it's not that hard to simplify it before he was Kang the Conqueror. He was Nathaniel Richards a 31st Century scholar and a descendant of Reed Richards.

Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four and of course, we'll dive into that in just a bit if annual ends up discovering time travel technology, which was illegal to use in his time, but it was created by the Fantastic Four a ends up traveling back in time to ancient Egypt and becomes the Pharaoh Rama Tut and

his plan was to have in Sabah Nur a mutant who would go on to become apocalypse be his Heir but his plan was cut short as the Fantastic Four who ended up in his timeline managed to stop him this infuriates Nathaniel Richards,

then he goes forward in time to the 20th century where he meets dr.Doom he would go on to design armored based off a doctor Dooms armor, and he goes on to call himself the scarlet synturion and he ends up taking the Avengers and Penny them against their alternate reality selves he plans to get rid of the Avengers and take the timeline for himself, but the Avengers managed to force him from their timeline.

He didn't plan to go back home to the 31st Century, but he ends up overshooting it by a thousand years and he discovers a war-torn earth and they use weapons that they no longer. 

Understand so it makes it simple for him to conquer the planet. He conquers the planet and many other planets across the Galaxy and he dubs himself Kang the Conqueror. However, his own Earth is dying. So he decides to get a newer younger Earth and that leads him to our main timeline.

Now over the years in the comics Kang has gone through many different timelines devising many different plans to conquer many of these timelines.

There are multiple alternative versions of king and the comics and will most likely be in the MCU because of dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, but time travel is basically who King is and the Avengers opened up time travel and offenders. And game through the quantum realm and this is where Ant Man 3 comes in and how he's going to debut in Ant Man 3. Not a lot of people give Ant-Man enough credit and Avengers in game.

He is the one who brought the idea of time travel and the ability to do it to the Avengers Sure.

Tony was kind of working on it before but he was only able to complete it with the help of Scott Lang and the quantum realm if it wasn't for Scott getting stuck inside of the quantum realm time travel would never be possible and Ant Man 3 is going to be about the quantum realm and Ant-Man and the wasc we discovered a major city inside of the quantum realm and it was Marvel themselves who told us to look for it. They said that it's going to play a major part. 

The future of the MCU and we all thought it was going to appear in Avengers in game, but it didn't but now we know it's because they were saving it for an Man 3. Now this city inside of the quantum realm is widely believed to be karna Palace.

It has a dome over it much like it does in the comics and as we can see it's a very big city much like it is in the comics and Kanopolis is Kings face.

It's his city as his home from this city is where he rules every one of his rounds that he has taken over and the fact that it sits inside of the quantum realm makes perfect sense the quantum realm sort of exist in between time from the quantum realm you can go to any time period that you want so Or somebody who takes over time lines like Kang.

It's a perfect base. Now since Kang has been here and he has a city of Kannapolis. He definitely is known as The Avengers using time travel in a vendors and gang and this is how he's going to come into play and Ant Man 3. If after the events of Avengers and game there is going to be anybody who was going to be exploring time travel through the quantum realm.

It's definitely going to be Scott Lang Hang Em Janet Van Dyne and hope especially after Janet Van Dyne after being trapped inside of the quantum realm for many many years came out with basically having powers said this is something that they're definitely going to be exploring and 

I mean three and while doing so they will run into Kang and since King will most likely be in the main timeline. There's a very good chance that Kang will follow them out of the quantum realm into the main MCU timeline. And this is where he will start to. 

His beef with the Avengers if he hasn't already at some different point in time, but this would be a perfect opportunity to start Kings hatred for The Avengers since Kang already has Kanopolis set up inside of the quantum realm.

That means he's most likely conquered many different timelines. But Scott Lang and the Avengers using time travel at have been his endgame could have screwed up some timelines for him because we definitely know that they altered some different timelines. So this is where Kang will start his hatred towards the Avengers.

Now as I mentioned there's a big Young Avengers connection here as well. It's already been rumored and widely speculated that a Man 3 is also Going to set up the Young Avengers and the fact that Kang the Conqueror is going to be an Ant Man 3 pretty much makes it official that the Young Avengers will be set up because a younger version of came to conquer is iron lad you see Iron lad is actually

the person who forms the Young Avengers Nathaniel Richards gets hospitalized while he's a kid and the future came to conquer a tries to prevent this event from happening and this is where the young Nathaniel Richards finds out about his future self.

But the young Nathaniel Richards is terrified of Kang the Conqueror who he knows he will become so he tries to escape his Destiny ends up stealing his future selves Advanced on 

And travels back in time to the Past any forms the Young Avengers to try and stop Kang and they're actually successful Kang ends up dying but destroying his future self doesn't exactly go the way that young Nathaniel Richards had hoped for by killing king.

The ramifications to his own timeline are severely affected all of the Avengers died and the Young Avengers Wiccan and Hoechlin end up disappearing iron lad realizes that the only way to prevent this from happening is to go back in time and become Kang the Conqueror before he goes back in time. He asked his fellow Young Avengers to forgive him for his future actions.

He then kisses stature could Goodbye, and goes back and becomes K. So not only does Nathaniel Richards go on to become Kang the Conqueror, but he also goes on to become iron lad and as you heard me just mention he does end up having a relationship with stature Scott Lang's daughter Cassie Lang.

And this is the setup for the Young Avengers clearly Ant-Man and some others are going to run into Kang and Ant Man 3. So it would make sense for iron lad to come back in time in an attempt to try and stop paying his future self. And that timeline that he would go to is our timeline here is when he will do what he does in the comics established the Young Avengers at this point time in the movie. We would have him who 

Be Iron lad Cassie Lang would be stature. And at this point in time we can and speed the two twin boys of one and vision will be grown up as well.

And they'll be part of the Young Avengers and we have Kate Bishop from the Hawkeye series and it is rumored that whole plane is going to be a part of the Young Avengers as well and not to mention this marble who's getting her very own TV show and America chievous who's supposed to be in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

So as it seems Ant Man 3 is going to introduce king and the Young Avengers, but it could also introduced The Fantastic Four as I mentioned before Nathaniel Richards is a descendant of Reed Richards, mr. Fantastic, and there's a lot of speculation.

Ation going on right now. And there has been for a pretty long time that the Fantastic Four are stuck inside of the quantum realm much like they got stuck inside of the Negative Zone in the comics and perhaps the reason that they're stuck inside of the quantum realm is because Kang has actually captured them and is holding them in Grenada was so if Ant-Man and the others that are with him and a Man 3 managed to defeat King this could release the Fantastic Four and bring them into our timeline.

This will most likely be at the very end of the movie if it happens or in a post-credits scene, but it will be a setup for the Fantastic Four nonetheless and considering the connection between the Daniel Richards and Reed Richards. It is a perfect opportunity.

Bit differently now, they can't do the exact same thing. They did for the infinity Saga. They have to be bigger. They have to be better and it looks like their big bats aren't going to only be in one film. They're going to be through multiple films and King and modok aren't one movie villains. Anyways, they're big villains. But the biggest thing that we have to keep in mind is that an Ant-Man and the WASP.

They mentioned a mysterious benefactor. Now this mysterious benefactor / buyer who we heard about an Ant-Man the WASP was never revealed but we can't expect him to be revealed and Ant Man 3 and if King is in Kannapolis inside of the quantum realm he is most likely not the buyer this The factor could be modok can could be the main villain but there could be a side villain which is modok and they could set him up to be an even bigger villain throughout other MCU films.

So for those of you worried about modok not appearing in Ant-Man three, it doesn't necessarily mean that he's not going to and if Marvel Studios

nts to bump up the Ant-Man franchise a few different levels. This would be the perfect opportunity putting Kang the Conqueror some of the Young Avengers Iron lad. Oh doc and possibly the Fantastic Four Dead what movie would definitely do the trick and I think that all of us fans would definitely freaked out if this were to happen, so let me know what you think about this in the comments down below.

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